Musings with Me @ Butterfly Effect

Which wolf will you feed? - Episode 008

July 24, 2023 Lisa Barnard Season 1 Episode 8

In this mini-episode (converted from my YouTube video), I chat about "Which wolf will you feed?" Remember balance for the wolves within, makes for a better day, week and outside life.

** Don't mind the huffing Rottweiler bouncing around in the background or my distraction of the red reflecting in the video as I did this live **

 When we change our inner world, we change our outer world, not only  for ourselves, but for those around us too. The Mental, Physical & Emotional parts of ourselves affect each other,  and impact how we engage with the world.  
 I work as a Transformational Mindset & Well-Being Coach, supporting Parents to redefine their Well-being, Purpose & Who they want to be, outside of kids - We often lose who we are when we have a family. Then when they go to school or start to find their own feet in the world, we may be left wondering who we are apart from being a parent, and what purpose we have now.  We might feel anxious about the future & the decisions we need to be making, what sort of role-model we are for our kids, or how our own well-being is affecting our family - Pouring from an empty cup, serves no-one.
 In these podcasts you will find conversations and practical techniques & tools that are short and easy to include in your day.